Friday, November 16, 2012

Juicing Beets

Juicing beets is very good for cleaning your liver. A word of warning your urine and stool may look pink. Don't be It's just the beet dye. Once a week is all you should do beets. Juice with apples, pears and carrots. Also, make sure your beets are fresh and firm. I juiced on that was a bit soft on the out side and it tasted like mud. Terrible taste. Happy juicing!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Back doing the Mean Green again! I took a few months off to see how my body reacted. It was not good. So, I am back, and happy to be juicing again. I am on day two. Mean green for breakfast, stir fried teriyaki veggies with brown rice for lunch, For dinner tonight I am making  Italian chicken sausage with pasta, fresh spinach and beans. If it turns out as good as the recipe sounded  I will post the recipe tomorrow.
Stick with me and we will can share juice recipes and other healthy recipes to cook!
Love ya, Nancy :-)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Mean Green

This is the green drink recipe from the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"
I am reposting it because I have been told the other one was to hard to read. We can fix that!!

1 cucumber

4 stalks of celery

6 leaves of kale

2 green apples

1/2 of a lemon

1 thumb size piece of fresh ginger

Sweet Potato juice

This is a great tasting juice that is good to help lower your cholesterol, give healthy gums and improving your connective tissues.

4 peeled oranges

3 celery stalks, leaves too!

1 quartered sweet potato

1 thumb size piece of fresh ginger

sometimes if I have a ripe pear around I will throw that in the mix too.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 7 of Juicing

I have to say that this has been easier than I had anticipated. I have lost 5 pound and have a new found energy! My main juice drink the is "The Mean Green". It consists of:
                                   1 cucumber
                                   4 sticks of celery
                                   6 leaves of Kale
                                   2 green apples
                                   1 thumb size piece of fresh ginger
                                   1/2 of a lemon
I have added on occasion some broccoli, alpha sprouts, carrot, a slice of cabbage, red or green, 1 lime.
I like it and think it is very tasty. It will fill you up. This will make 2 glasses of juice, so share or just cut the ingredients in half for 1 serving. Then again, if you have a huge appetite, make the entire thing and drink it! You can never have to much fresh juice. I juice usually 3 times a day. On occasion when I was really hungry I made a 4 Th juice. That day it was beet apple juice. I will later give you the recipe for that. It has a pear in it to camouflage the beet taste. Well that's it for today......happy juicing!